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An overview of history of human population

Human Population Modern humans evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago. About 100,000 years ago, we began migrating across the globe. Our population remained low—probably less than 1 million people. With the advent of farming, growth picked up. 

By AD 1, world population reached approximately 170 million people. 

Year: AD 1, Human Population: 170 m.

Han Dynasty Roman Empire, Human population: 177 m 

Silk Road Year: 300 AD, Human population: 180 m 

Golden Age of India Year: 500 AD, Human population: 177 m 

Peak Mayan Civilization Year: 600 AD, Human population: 181 m

 Birth of Islam Year: 750 AD, Human Population: 195 m 

Smallpox in Japan Year: 850 AD, Human population: 215 m 

Gunpowder invented Year: 1050 AD, Human population: 283 m

Navigational compass Year: 1200 AD Human population: 362 m

 Mongol Empire Year: 1350, Human population: 364 m 

Bubonic plague Rare decline in world population, Year: 1490 AD, Human population: 405 m

 Europeans arrive Year: 1520 AD, Human population: 456 m 

Transatlantic slave trade Year: 1740, Human population: 714 m 

Industrial Revolution Modern technology and medicine bring faster growth, Year: 1910 Human population: 1.7 b 

Year: 2015 Human population: 7.4 b

 Year: 2050 Human population (projected): 9.5 b 

LEVELING OFF If current trends continue, global populations will peak at 11 billion around 2100. Growth is slowing because average fertility rates are falling in nearly every country. 1950: 5 babies/woman 2100: 2 babies/woman If fertility forecasts are slightly off, our peak population will peak lower... ...or higher. It took 200,000 years for our population to reach 1 billion. And only 200 years to reach 7 billion. As our population has grown, so has our use of Earth's resources. Choices we make today family planning reduced consumption pollution controls habitat protection Choices we make today affect the future of our species—and all life on Earth. 

                 Also read Advantages of terrace farming

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