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Will UY Scuti end in Supernova?

UY Scuti is a red super-giant star  the constellation Scutum. It is one of the largest star by radius. UY Scuti is located a few degrees north of the A - type star  Gamma Scuti and northeast of the Eagle Nebula. 

UY Scuti is located a few degrees north of the A - type star  Gamma Scuti and northeast of the Eagle Nebula. Due to its distance and location in the Zone of avoidance within the Cygnus Rift, only it's 9th magnitude is visible. It is classified as a semi regular variable with an approximate pulsation period of 740 days. The star is over 1,000 times bigger than the our star and over 100,000 times more luminous than the Sun.It has a maximum brightness of magnitude 8.29 and a minimum of magnitude 10.56.
The star's mass is uncertain because it has no visible companion star by which its mass can be measured through gravitational interference (expected to be between 7 and 10 M☉)The luminosity is then calculated to be 340,000 solar luminosity at an effective temperature of 3,365 ± 134 K.


Crab Nebula.jpg
By NASA, ESA, J. Hester and A. Loll (Arizona State University) - HubbleSite: gallery, release., Public Domain, Link

supernova is a astronomical event which occurs during the last stages of a massive star. The original object, called the progenitor, either develops to a neutron star or black hole or it is completely destroyed. It fades after several weeks or months. The word supernova was coined by Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky in 1929. The most recent directly observed  supernova in the Milky Way was Kepler's Supernova in 1604. 

UY  Scuti's Fate -

Based on current models of stellar evolution, UY Scuti has begun to fuse He , and continues to fuse H in a shell around the core. It's core is metal-rich.

After fusing heavy elements, its core will begin to produce iron, disrupting the balance of gravity and radiation in its core and leading to a core collapse supernova. UY Scuti would become a supernova but the star’s low mass indicates it would not be an outstanding explosion. It is not massive enough for UY Scuti’s remnant to be a black hole, a neutron star. It would have marginal impact on the Earth, a addition to the night sky, somewhat like Kepler's Supernova back in 1604.
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