Mahabharata, often referred originally as "Jai Samhita" is the greatest epic of all the time. The longest poem ever written, consists of over 1,00,000 couplets (2,00,000 verse lines) describes the solidity of it's content and gravity of knowledge people held in the golden, celebrated history of India.
" Whatever is here may be found elsewhere, what is not, cannot be find anywhere else."says one of the the most introducing verse of the Sanskrit epic. After going through the epic and with my little knowledge gathered, I can assure you that this epic is whole in itself as the verse above describes.
Mahabharata is the cauldron of emotions, insecurities and jealousies. It overshadows each and every kind of emotion that we humans feel. Every kind of relationship through which humans can associate with each other is described here in some way or other. The Mahabharata is an intricately woven saga of hatred and love, bloodshed and noble thoughts, courage and cowardice, beauty and gentleness shown in the best ever way possible, which paves it's way to become the best store for spritual knowledge, the knowledge to differentiate between the right and the wrong, the "dharma" and the "adharma".
Out of all the fascinating stuffs present in Mahabharata, one thing that always leave me bestowed is the well-built and indestructible character strength of the protagonists of the epic.
All of them have their black and white side. They are all grey, with good deeds and bad deeds. You cannot chose one as favorite, but you can have favourites.
Devrata Bhishma, Satyawati, Dhrishtra, Gandhari, Sakuni, Kunti, Pandu, Duryodhana, Dushasan, Karna, Yudishitra, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul, Sahdeva, Draupadi, Shikhandni, Shubhadra, Abhimanyu and Krishna are principal track holders of the main storyline.
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